<"\n", substr ( $this->filedata, 0, 8192 ) ); foreach ( $lines as $line ) { $line = trim ( $line ); if (strpos ( $line, '=' ) !== FALSE) { if (strpos ( $line, 'boundary', 0 ) !== FALSE) { $range = $this->getrange ( $line, '"', '"', 0 ); $this->boundary = "--" . $range ['range']; $this->filedata = str_replace ( $line, '', $this->filedata ); break; } } } if ($this->boundary != '') { $this->filedata = explode ( $this->boundary, $this->filedata ); unset ( $this->filedata [0] ); $this->filedata = array_values ( $this->filedata ); $this->countparts = count ( $this->filedata ); } else { $tmp = $this->filedata; $this->filedata = array ( $tmp ); } } function get_all_part_file() { return $this->filedata; } function get_part_to_file($i) { $line_data_start = 0; $encoding = ''; $part_lines = explode ( "\n", ltrim ( $this->filedata [$i] ) ); foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) { $line = trim ( $line ); if ($line == '') { if (trim ( $part_lines [0] ) == '--') return 1; $line_data_start = $line_id; break; } if (strpos ( $line, ':' ) !== FALSE) { $pos = strpos ( $line, ':' ); $k = strtolower ( trim ( substr ( $line, 0, $pos ) ) ); $v = trim ( substr ( $line, $pos + 1, strlen ( $line ) ) ); if ($k == 'content-transfer-encoding') { $encoding = $v; } if ($k == 'content-location') { $location = $v; } if ($k == 'content-type') { $contenttype = $v; } } } foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) { if ($line_id <= $line_data_start) $part_lines [$line_id] = ''; } $part_lines = implode ( '', $part_lines ); if ($encoding == 'base64') $part_lines = base64_decode ( $part_lines ); elseif ($encoding == 'quoted-printable') $part_lines = imap_qprint ( $part_lines ); return $part_lines; } function read_filedata() { $handle = fopen ( $this->file, 'r' ); $this->filedata = fread ( $handle, filesize ( $this->file ) ); fclose ( $handle ); } function getrange(&$subject, $Beginmark_str = '{', $Endmark_str = '}', $Start_pos = 0) { /* * $str="sssss { x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x} sssss"; $range=string::getRange($str,'{','}',0); echo $range['range']; //tulem: " x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x" echo $range['behin']; //tulem: 6 echo $range['end']; //tulem: 30 (' ') -- l5pumärgist järgnev out: array('range'=>$Range,'begin'=>$Begin_firstOccurence_pos,'end'=>$End_sequel_pos) | false v1.1 2004-2006,Uku-Kaarel J5esaar,,,+3725110693 */ if (empty ( $Beginmark_str )) $Beginmark_str = '{'; $Beginmark_str_len = strlen ( $Beginmark_str ); if (empty ( $Endmark_str )) $Endmark_str = '}'; $Endmark_str_len = strlen ( $Endmark_str ); /* $Start_pos_cache = 0; */ do { /* !algus */ if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) $Start_pos_cache = $Start_pos; /* ?algus-test */ $Start_pos_cache = @strpos ( $subject, $Beginmark_str, $Start_pos_cache ); /* this is possible start for range */ if (is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) { /* skip */ $Start_pos_cache = ($Start_pos_cache + $Beginmark_str_len); /* test possible range start pos */ if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) { if ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos) $rangeClean = 0; elseif ($Start_pos_cache > $range_end_pos) $rangeClean = 1; } /* here it is */ if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) $Begin_firstOccurence_pos = $Start_pos_cache; } /* VIGA NR 0 ALGUST EI OLE */ if (! is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) { /* !algus */ /* VIGA NR 1 ALGUSMARKI EI LEITUD : VIIMANE VOIMALIK ALGUS */ if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos)) $rangeClean = 1; else return false; } if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) { if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache )) $End_sequel_pos = $Begin_firstOccurence_pos; $End_pos_cache = strpos ( $subject, $Endmark_str, $End_sequel_pos ); /* ok */ if (is_int ( $End_pos_cache ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) { $range_current_lenght = ($End_pos_cache - $Begin_firstOccurence_pos); $End_sequel_pos = ($End_pos_cache + $Endmark_str_len); $range_end_pos = $End_pos_cache; } /* VIGA NR 2 LOPPU EI LEITUD */ if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache )) if ($End_pos_cache == false) return false; } } while ( $rangeClean < 1 ); if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and is_int ( $range_current_lenght )) $Range = substr ( $subject, $Begin_firstOccurence_pos, $range_current_lenght ); else return false; return array ( 'range' => $Range, 'begin' => $Begin_firstOccurence_pos, 'end' => $End_sequel_pos ); } // end getrange() } // class ?>
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。
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