#!/usr/bin/python #coding=utf-8 ''' http://ip-api.com/json/ip '''import plotly import plotly.plotly import plotly.graph_objs as abcc import plotly.plotly class Piecharts: def __init__(self): print "饼图生成中" def makePiecharts(self,labels,values,filename): trace = abcc.Pie(labels = labels,values= values) plotly.offline.plot([trace],filename=filename) import requests import sys try: iplist = sys.argv[1] except: print "IP list not given or some other error!" countrylist = {} regionlist = {} citylist = {} with open(iplist) as f: for ip in f.readlines(): if ip.strip() != '': url = 'http://ip-api.com/json/' + ip.strip() try: result = requests.get(url) jsontext = result.json() except: print "Error: Data not retrieved!" continue status = jsontext['status'] if status == 'fail': print "%s failed!" % ip.strip() continue mline = jsontext['as'] city = jsontext['city'] country = jsontext['country'] countryCode = jsontext['countryCode'] isp = jsontext['isp'] lat = jsontext['lat'] lon = jsontext['lon'] org = jsontext['org'] query = jsontext['query'] region = jsontext['region'] regionName = jsontext['regionName'] timezone = jsontext['timezone'] zipcode = jsontext['zip'] if not country in countrylist: countrylist[country] = 0 else: countrylist[country] += 1 if not regionName in regionlist: regionlist[regionName] = 0 else: regionlist[regionName] += 1 if not city in citylist: citylist[city] = 0 else: citylist[city] += 1 try: print ip.strip() + '--' + country + '--' + regionName except: print "Special character!" print countrylist #country labels = [i for i in countrylist] value = [countrylist[i] for i in countrylist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels,value,"country.html") #region labels = [i for i in regionlist] value = [regionlist[i] for i in regionlist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels,value,"region.html") #city labels = [i for i in citylist] value = [citylist[i] for i in citylist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels,value,"city.html")
#!/usr/bin/python # coding=utf-8 ''' http://ip-api.com/json/ip ''' import plotly import plotly.graph_objs as abcc import plotly.plotly class Piecharts: def __init__(self): print u'饼图生成中' def makePiecharts(self, labels, values, filename): trace = abcc.Pie(labels=labels, values=values) plotly.offline.plot([trace], filename=filename) import requests import sys try: iplist = sys.argv[1] except: print "IP list not given or some other error!" countrylist = {} regionlist = {} citylist = {} def locater(url): try: result = requests.get(url) jsontext = result.json() except: print "Error: Data not retrieved!" return status = jsontext['status'] if status == 'fail': print "%s failed!" % ip.strip() return mline = jsontext['as'] city = jsontext['city'] country = jsontext['country'] countryCode = jsontext['countryCode'] isp = jsontext['isp'] lat = jsontext['lat'] lon = jsontext['lon'] org = jsontext['org'] query = jsontext['query'] region = jsontext['region'] regionName = jsontext['regionName'] timezone = jsontext['timezone'] zipcode = jsontext['zip'] if not country in countrylist: countrylist[country] = 0 else: countrylist[country] += 1 if not regionName in regionlist: regionlist[regionName] = 0 else: regionlist[regionName] += 1 if not city in citylist: citylist[city] = 0 else: citylist[city] += 1 try: print ip.strip() + '--' + country + '--' + regionName except: print "Special character!" from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_socket() from gevent import pool import gevent pool = pool.Pool(40) glist = [] with open(iplist) as f: for ip in f.readlines(): if ip.strip() != '': url = 'http://ip-api.com/json/' + ip.strip() glist.append(pool.spawn(locater, url)) gevent.joinall(glist) # country labels = [i for i in countrylist] value = [countrylist[i] for i in countrylist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels, value, "country.html") # region labels = [i for i in regionlist] value = [regionlist[i] for i in regionlist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels, value, "region.html") # city labels = [i for i in citylist] value = [citylist[i] for i in citylist] drive = Piecharts() drive.makePiecharts(labels, value, "city.html")
在对网络攻击进行上述分析与识别的基础上,我们应当认真制定有针对性的策略。明确安全对象,设置强有力的安全保障体系。有的放矢,在网络中层层设防,发挥网络的每层作用,使每一层都成为一道关卡,从而让攻击者无隙可钻、无计可使。还必须做到未雨稠缪,预防为主 ,将重要的数据备份并时刻注意系统运行状况。以下是针对众多令人担心的网络安全问题,提出的几点建议:
- Parijat-BuddhaGarden《佛陀花园》[WAV+CUE]
- 证声音乐图书馆《巴莎诺瓦 惬意咖啡馆》[320K/MP3][220.56MB]
- 证声音乐图书馆《巴莎诺瓦 惬意咖啡馆》[FLAC/分轨][220.56MB]
- 群星《狂潮》夜店中文爆嗨重低音 黑胶碟2CD[低速原抓WAV+CUE]
- TraditionalMusicEnsembleofTheBNMA-BuddhistMusicoftheMingDynasty(JVC-Japan)[FLAC]
- [中国唱片]中央乐团交响乐队《绝烧HIFI典范》[WAV+CUE]
- 群星《2024好听新歌41》AI调整音效【WAV分轨】
- 张学友《吻别》MQA-UHQCD 日本压碟[原抓WAV+CUE][1G]
- 许嵩《寻宝游戏》[WAV+CUE][951M]
- 李玉刚《刚好遇见你》[WAV+CUE][970M]
- 罗文《国语精选》24K金碟限量版英皇娱乐[WAV+CUE][955M]
- 证声音乐图书馆《摇滚乐 海滩假期》[320K/MP3][50.75MB]
- 证声音乐图书馆《摇滚乐 海滩假期》[FLAC/分轨][273.06MB]
- 群星《情系民歌LP黑胶》2CD[WAV+CUE]
- 串烧歌曲《台语发烧热唱1国语发烧热唱2》2CD日版[WAV+CUE]