import os import random import csv #图片所在的路径 path = '/Users/mac/Desktop/wxd/flag/category/' #files列表保存所有类别的路径 files=[] same_pairs=[] different_pairs=[] for file in os.listdir(path): if file[0]=='.': continue file_path = os.path.join(path,file) files.append(file_path) #该地址为csv要保存到的路径,a表示追加写入 with open('/Users/mac/Desktop/wxd/flag/data.csv','a') as f: #保存相同对 writer = csv.writer(f) for file in files: imgs = os.listdir(file) for i in range(0,len(imgs)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(imgs)): pairs = [] name = file.split(sep='/')[-1] pairs.append(path+name+'/'+imgs[i]) pairs.append(path+name+'/'+imgs[j]) pairs.append(1) writer.writerow(pairs) #保存不同对 for i in range(0,len(files)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(files)): filea = files[i] fileb = files[j] imga_li = os.listdir(filea) imgb_li = os.listdir(fileb) random.shuffle(imga_li) random.shuffle(imgb_li) a_li = imga_li[:] b_li = imgb_li[:] for p in range(len(a_li)): for q in range(len(b_li)): pairs = [] name1 = filea.split(sep='/')[-1] name2 = fileb.split(sep='/')[-1] pairs.append(path+name1+'/'+a_li[p]) pairs.append(path+name2+'/'+b_li[q]) pairs.append(0) writer.writerow(pairs)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Dropout, BatchNormalization, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2D, concatenate, Activation, ZeroPadding2D from keras.layers import add, Flatten from keras.utils import plot_model from keras.metrics import top_k_categorical_accuracy from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.models import load_model import tensorflow as tf import random import os import cv2 import csv import numpy as np from keras.models import Model from keras.layers import Input, Flatten, Dense, Dropout, Lambda from keras.optimizers import RMSprop from keras import backend as K from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint from keras.preprocessing.image import img_to_array """ 自定义的参数 """ im_width = 224 im_height = 224 epochs = 100 batch_size = 64 iterations = 1000 csv_path = '' model_result = '' # 计算欧式距离 def euclidean_distance(vects): x, y = vects sum_square = K.sum(K.square(x - y), axis=1, keepdims=True) return K.sqrt(K.maximum(sum_square, K.epsilon())) def eucl_dist_output_shape(shapes): shape1, shape2 = shapes return (shape1[0], 1) # 计算loss def contrastive_loss(y_true, y_pred): '''Contrastive loss from Hadsell-et-al.'06 ''' margin = 1 square_pred = K.square(y_pred) margin_square = K.square(K.maximum(margin - y_pred, 0)) return K.mean(y_true * square_pred + (1 - y_true) * margin_square) def compute_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): '''计算准确率 ''' pred = y_pred.ravel() < 0.5 print('pred:', pred) return np.mean(pred == y_true) def accuracy(y_true, y_pred): '''Compute classification accuracy with a fixed threshold on distances. ''' return K.mean(K.equal(y_true, K.cast(y_pred < 0.5, y_true.dtype))) def processImg(filename): """ :param filename: 图像的路径 :return: 返回的是归一化矩阵 """ img = cv2.imread(filename) img = cv2.resize(img, (im_width, im_height)) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = img_to_array(img) img /= 255 return img def Conv2d_BN(x, nb_filter, kernel_size, strides=(1, 1), padding='same', name=None): if name is not None: bn_name = name + '_bn' conv_name = name + '_conv' else: bn_name = None conv_name = None x = Conv2D(nb_filter, kernel_size, padding=padding, strides=strides, activation='relu', name=conv_name)(x) x = BatchNormalization(axis=3, name=bn_name)(x) return x def bottleneck_Block(inpt, nb_filters, strides=(1, 1), with_conv_shortcut=False): k1, k2, k3 = nb_filters x = Conv2d_BN(inpt, nb_filter=k1, kernel_size=1, strides=strides, padding='same') x = Conv2d_BN(x, nb_filter=k2, kernel_size=3, padding='same') x = Conv2d_BN(x, nb_filter=k3, kernel_size=1, padding='same') if with_conv_shortcut: shortcut = Conv2d_BN(inpt, nb_filter=k3, strides=strides, kernel_size=1) x = add([x, shortcut]) return x else: x = add([x, inpt]) return x def resnet_50(): width = im_width height = im_height channel = 3 inpt = Input(shape=(width, height, channel)) x = ZeroPadding2D((3, 3))(inpt) x = Conv2d_BN(x, nb_filter=64, kernel_size=(7, 7), strides=(2, 2), padding='valid') x = MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(3, 3), strides=(2, 2), padding='same')(x) # conv2_x x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[64, 64, 256], strides=(1, 1), with_conv_shortcut=True) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[64, 64, 256]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[64, 64, 256]) # conv3_x x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[128, 128, 512], strides=(2, 2), with_conv_shortcut=True) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[128, 128, 512]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[128, 128, 512]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[128, 128, 512]) # conv4_x x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024], strides=(2, 2), with_conv_shortcut=True) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[256, 256, 1024]) # conv5_x x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[512, 512, 2048], strides=(2, 2), with_conv_shortcut=True) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[512, 512, 2048]) x = bottleneck_Block(x, nb_filters=[512, 512, 2048]) x = AveragePooling2D(pool_size=(7, 7))(x) x = Flatten()(x) x = Dense(128, activation='relu')(x) return Model(inpt, x) def generator(imgs, batch_size): """ 自定义迭代器 :param imgs: 列表,每个包含一对矩阵以及label :param batch_size: :return: """ while 1: random.shuffle(imgs) li = imgs[:batch_size] pairs = [] labels = [] for i in li: img1 = i[0] img2 = i[1] im1 = cv2.imread(img1) im2 = cv2.imread(img2) if im1 is None or im2 is None: continue label = int(i[2]) img1 = processImg(img1) img2 = processImg(img2) pairs.append([img1, img2]) labels.append(label) pairs = np.array(pairs) labels = np.array(labels) yield [pairs[:, 0], pairs[:, 1]], labels input_shape = (im_width, im_height, 3) base_network = resnet_50() input_a = Input(shape=input_shape) input_b = Input(shape=input_shape) # because we re-use the same instance `base_network`, # the weights of the network # will be shared across the two branches processed_a = base_network(input_a) processed_b = base_network(input_b) distance = Lambda(euclidean_distance, output_shape=eucl_dist_output_shape)([processed_a, processed_b]) with tf.device("/gpu:0"): model = Model([input_a, input_b], distance) # train rms = RMSprop() rows = csv.reader(open(csv_path, 'r'), delimiter=',') imgs = list(rows) checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_result+'flag_{epoch:03d}.h5', verbose=1) model.compile(loss=contrastive_loss, optimizer=rms, metrics=[accuracy]) model.fit_generator(generator(imgs, batch_size), epochs=epochs, steps_per_epoch=iterations, callbacks=[checkpoint])
model = load_model(model_path,custom_objects={'contrastive_loss': contrastive_loss }) #选取自己的.h模型名称
暴雪近日发布了《魔兽世界》10.2.6 更新内容,新游玩模式《强袭风暴》即将于3月21 日在亚服上线,届时玩家将前往阿拉希高地展开一场 60 人大逃杀对战。
艾泽拉斯的冒险者已经征服了艾泽拉斯的大地及遥远的彼岸。他们在对抗世界上最致命的敌人时展现出过人的手腕,并且成功阻止终结宇宙等级的威胁。当他们在为即将于《魔兽世界》资料片《地心之战》中来袭的萨拉塔斯势力做战斗准备时,他们还需要在熟悉的阿拉希高地面对一个全新的敌人──那就是彼此。在《巨龙崛起》10.2.6 更新的《强袭风暴》中,玩家将会进入一个全新的海盗主题大逃杀式限时活动,其中包含极高的风险和史诗级的奖励。
《强袭风暴》不是普通的战场,作为一个独立于主游戏之外的活动,玩家可以用大逃杀的风格来体验《魔兽世界》,不分职业、不分装备(除了你在赛局中捡到的),光是技巧和战略的强弱之分就能决定出谁才是能坚持到最后的赢家。本次活动将会开放单人和双人模式,玩家在加入海盗主题的预赛大厅区域前,可以从强袭风暴角色画面新增好友。游玩游戏将可以累计名望轨迹,《巨龙崛起》和《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 经典版》的玩家都可以获得奖励。
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